Class of '83 Memories
The Class of 1983 memories over the years reflect the love the class shares.
Class of 1983 @ 40
From the varied points of the compass
Our hopeful paths were led to the heralded arch
Where learning of the world
And learning of ourselves
With more than fourteen-thousand days passed
A cap thrown high in the air
Signifying the start of something new
Something unexpected, something scary
Something wonderful
We eft the sacred soil
And became part of a 129 year old legacy
Health and family
Pain and fortune
Change and happiness
Loss and welcome
The aches and pains of old bones and worked muscles
Give way to golden memories
And hope instilled for another generation
We return to our campus green
Only to find
Time continued on
As memories slowed to stall, some fade
We can be lost in the familiar
But recognize
The opaque shadows of once was
Back in my day
Drifts on the winds
As we find a pace
To muse
To embrace
To remember
Dr Guy Sims
National Museum of African American